Been holding off on a post for a few days, thought I might as well post all the dubstep stuff in one!
First wanted to mention a new release from Darksky. You might have heard this one on N-Types radio show a couple month back, but it's out now on Black Acre Records, and it is hard as fuck! One you need to pick up !
Ghost Notes - Black Acre Records by Dark Sky
For me that's a kinda sound I would like to see the 'harder' dubstep at the moment going, but while we are listenin to Darkskys beats, it's worth checking out his soundcloud cause they have a lot of other big productions. One of my favourites being the 'Crystalised' remix, but check out 'Leave' as well.
Crystalised (Dark Sky Remix) by Dark Sky
Cheers to Hush for the hook up on these beats, who have also just dropped their latest Hush House Mix, big tracklist as always !
[Download] Hush The Fuck Up Vol.4
Check the original post / tracklist here.
I also just got this free 4 track EP 'Glade' in the mail from dubstep producer Levelz. Some cool tracks in this, I'm personally feeling 'Dillusional' and 'Siren' but you can check it out yourself! This is all deeper more melodic stuff but all good listens. Watch for releases from Levelz on Dub Selection (Digital Release) in the future.
[Download] Levelz - Glade EP
SBTRK dosn't dissapoint with another massive remix, looking foward to hearing the vocal remix of this if it comes ! This guy is pushing the boundries while keeping a fat groove in his tracks.. big stuff
Gorillaz - Superfast Jellyfish (SBTRKT REMIX INSTRUMENTAL) by sbtrkt
If you are all over the garage sound lately, got a big 2-step remix of Garage producer Architekt 9's tune, remixed by Baitface. In his own words, 'A stripped-down, reworked 2-step edit with a dark edge' and that sounded good enough for me to take a listen, and I was pleasantly surprised ! Download on the soundcloud, and give him some feedback for this free release..
Architekt 9 Feat. Kaydenz - Misery Man (Baitface's This One's For The Steppers Remix) by Baitface
I just saw this in a post on dub forums, and thought it was dope! I'm enjoying a lot of experimentations people are having with the harder side of dubstep..
Optimus 3000 - District7 by District7
Finally little bit of news: Skreams Stella Sessions on a wednesday are over... Replaced with the Skream and Benga show! Can only see this being a good thing so if you wern't already locked onto Rinse FM then check it out.
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